10 Random Facts from Our HVAC Technician | Home Service Doctors
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10 Random Facts from Our HVAC Technician

Utility bills will surprise you regardless of whether you live in a home or apartment. However, by learning more about your heating and cooling systems and how to conserve more energy, you can manage your utility bill. Our HVAC technician gave us some interesting facts that might give you a better idea of how to conserve energy, along with some tips that will help you save hundreds of dollars each month.

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Home Service Doctors is all about high-quality and immediate service. We love taking care of our customers and helping them out. Whether it’s heating or cooling, we can handle any task, ranging from installations, repairs, maintenance, and replacements. All of our HVAC technicians are well-trained and all kinds of service. We are willing to listen to our customers and answer any questions, especially when it comes to your home. With our energy-efficient installations and trusted technicians, we can help you save on your utility bill and maintain great care.

  1. Energy Consuming Appliances

  2. Water heater, air conditioner, and heater/furnace. Boom. Those three appliances make up about 75% of your home’s total energy usage. Yup, just between three of those appliances. Crazy, right? Well, if you want to start saving more money, start by handling these three. The first step, upgrade your water heater, especially if you have an old one. Old water heaters drain energy, so consider upgrading to a tankless water heater to save you some energy.

  3. Homeowners and Their Electric Bill

  4. Did you know that 47% of homeowners don’t know what they’re spending when it comes to electricity? As incredible as it sounds, it’s true. People need to start treating their electricity bill the same way they treat their mortgage or rent, care insurance, and even their cell phone bill. It is so important to know what you are paying for when it comes to electricity because you want to be able to identify any spikes or changes in your monthly bill. Be more prepared when it comes to your electricity and find out what’s making you bill seem so high.

  5. The Perfect Temperature for Bedtime

  6. Fun fact number three: the best temperature to sleep in is anywhere from 65 to 72 degrees. Good to know, huh? If your struggling to get sleep throughout the night, your home’s temperature could be the problem. Everyone in your family sleeps better depending on certain temperatures, however, it seems impossible to please everyone, right? Well, a simple solution to that problem is switching to a ductless multi-room system. This way, you can designate different temperatures for every room, even unused guest rooms, which not only makes everyone happy but also saves you money.

  7. 10 Degrees Down = 14% in Savings

  8. Did you know that if you were to turn your thermostat down a measly 10 degrees before you leave the house, you can save up to 14% on your energy bill? It’s true! That’s according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. There are now programmable thermostats that can help you easily adjust to this. Now you can even adjust the temperature on your smartphone with smart thermostats, making your life easier, and giving you more control of your home.

  9. Save More with Cooler Water

  10. Nothing beats a hot shower, especially in the morning before work or after a long workout. But what’s even better is saving 5% annually on energy costs. How so you ask? By turning your water heater down 10 degrees. It’s as simple as that.

  11. $75 per month

  12. What if someone told you, that in 30 years, you’ll be able to save $27,000 on your home energy costs. Hard to believe, huh? Well, it’s true, and all you have to do is follow these simple steps, which right now will help you save $75 a month. It all adds up in the future.

  13. Old Furnaces

  14. As mentioned before, an old furnace can really jack up your utility bill. Our HVAC technician suggests that you should have an annual inspection of your furnace since older furnaces become less and less efficient over time. If you want to cut down on costs, it’s wise to replace your old furnace especially if it’s beyond 20 years.

  15. AFUE Rating

  16. The AFUE or Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating is a measurement of gas furnace efficiency.  It converts fuel to energy and projects the average thermal efficiency for a complete heating season. Basically, the higher the AFUE rating, the greater efficiency in energy. So stay on top of your rating to see if you find any changes and if necessary, insulation options are available to help cut down fuel loss and make your system more energy-efficient.

  17. “Power Vampires”

  18. Beware of the power vampires! Wait, what’s a power vampire you ask? They are appliances that we use regularly that draw power even when they’re turned off. So, consider unplugging unused appliances or connecting everything into one power strip. All the energy lost to these monsters annually is enough energy to power 7,387 homes per year in the United States!

  19. AC Units

AC units can really hurt your energy bill if you don’t monitor it closely. Per the US Census Bureau of the American Housing Survey, 65% of homes have central air conditioning, 22% of households use a room or window unit, and the rest either do not have an AC or use some other alternative cooling method. Think about this; the amount of energy the United States uses annually to run air conditioning units is equal to the amount of energy, in total, used by the entire continent of Africa. Talk about one crazy fact.

Don’t keep paying for a high utility bill—put these facts to use by our HVAC technician and start saving money today. Contact Home Service Doctors for all heating and cooling services!

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