Cleansing septic systems should be a top priority with winter approaching fast. One must consider preparing their home for the coming colder temperatures. This does affect certain appliances found within the home and on the property, including the septic system.
Before winter comes, consider the following information in relation to your system. This could save you a series of misfortunes and irritation come the winter.
Simple Parameters to Consider When Cleansing Septic Systems
Before the chill of winter descends, consider the following the steps to safeguard your system,
Much like any other system, repairs and examinations are required every so often. Routine inspections and examinations will help to prevent any sort of damage or disaster that are potential realities.
Is there still lawn furniture, landscaping equipment, or other pieces of gear scattered around your septic cover? What about leaves or other debris? If any other these were blocking the septic system cover, it would be wise to remove them. You never know when an emergency may arise.
- Be wary of Water Use
Install low-flow water fixtures and repair leaky faucets and toilets to help conserve water and avoid putting added strain on your septic system during fall and winter. In addition, survey your yard and do your best to divert other water sources (e.g. surface water, sump pumps, downspouts) away from your septic system.
Warning Signs of Septic Damage
There are some indicators that appear if your system is malfunctioning. A prominent odor may permeate your household as well as around the tank and drain field. Be wary of these other signs.
- Wastewater backing up into household drains
- Green, spongy grass on the drain field
- Pooling water or muddy soil around the septic system or in the basement
If any of these signs appear, call a professional in your area.
Pumping The System
One of the most important ways to prepare your septic for winter is to have it pumped. Pumping your tank removes any sort of debris and material within your system, thus preventing any sort of messy problem if damage were to occur. If you live in the north this needs to be done before the ground freezes and the snowfalls. Be warned; do not attempt this on your own. Contact a local professional company that specializes in cleansing septic systems.
Examine the Cover for Damage
The cover to the opening of your septic system should be sturdy, visible, and free of damage. It is best to keep the cover to the system at an appropriate level and with the grade. Next time you have your tank pumped or maintenance performed, ask the expert to check the cover for soundness. If the covers are not properly visible, then people could potentially risk falling into the system and risk injury.
The purpose of checking the cover is to ensure safety. Not only can this be done as you prepare your septic for winter, but anytime throughout the year.
Preventing Freezing of Your System
In some regions of America, snowfall can be heavy, especially in the Northeast and the Midwest. In some cases, we get freezing temperatures but there is no snow in sight. During frigid periods with no snow, drain fields are more likely to freeze. Why? Snow cover acts as natural insulation. One way to prevent a frozen drain field from happening as you prepare your septic for winter is to stop mowing the grass over the field in late September. This allows the grass to grow a little longer providing some winter insulation.
If it’s too late in the season for you to do this or there is no grass over the drain field, spread a thick layer of mulch to provide insulation. Spread the mulch so it’s about a foot deep. If the septic tank itself has no grass cover, spread mulch over it as well, 1 foot deep and 5 feet past the edges of the tanks.
It’s important to keep using your septic in the winter if you’re closing up a cabin etc. for the season then that’s another story, so if you’re going to be out of town for a while, have someone come in and flush the toilet or run the sink a few times.
Call Home Service Doctors today for more information on cleansing septic systems!